SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The Law Enforcement Section of the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources has scheduled Physical Agility Tests (PAT) on Oct. 26-27 for anyone interested in applying for open Natural Resources Police Officer (NRPO) positions.
The tests will be at the South Charleston Community Center and start at 9 a.m. Walk-ons will be accepted. Applicants also will be required to take a written exam at DNR’s South Charleston office at 324 4th Avenue, either day at 12:30 p.m. Interviews for successful applicants will be held Nov. 7-9. Times and a location will be announced at the PAT.
During the PAT, candidates must complete a 37.5-yard swim, a minimum of 18 pushups in proper form in one minute and 28 sit-ups in proper form in one minute, and a 1.5 mile run in 14 minutes, 36 seconds or less. Candidates should bring long pants and a shirt for the fully clothed swimming test and a change of clothing for the running test.
Passing the PAT is required to become a Natural Resources Police Officer. To be considered, candidates must be willing to relocate and work in any county in the state. They also must be willing to work all shifts and be on call. County assignment cannot be guaranteed.
Minimum qualifications include graduation from an accredited four-year college or university. Preference is given to those with majors in natural sciences, law enforcement, criminology or criminal justice. Candidates may substitute previous employment as a certified law enforcement officer.
Natural Resources Police Officers have full law enforcement authority in West Virginia, and are responsible for the prompt, orderly and effective enforcement of all laws and rules, including the protection of the state’s natural resources from unlawful activities. Full details about the job and an online application can be found at For more information, contact the WVDNR Law Enforcement Section at 304-558-2784 or email