All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

American Legion Post 7 to conduct 4 Chaplains Ceremony Feb. 14

BUCKHANNON — On Tuesday, February 14 at 7 p.m., the Frank B. Bartlett American Legion Post 7 will conduct a 4 Chaplains ceremony prior to the business meeting. Members of the Auxiliary will participate as well.

The 4 Chaplains story dates back 80 years to February 1943. These men were on board the USS Dorchester en route to Europe via Greenland. Just after midnight, a German Submarine fired torpedoes into the ship. The Dorchestor’s captain quickly ordered ‘abandon ship’ to save the 902 men aboard.

Many of the soldiers on board arrived at their abandon ship station without lifejackets. Recognizing those without life jackets would likely die before being rescued, the four chaplains gave others their life jackets knowing the result.

The story is one we recognize and celebrate each February and welcome all veterans to join us for the ceremony. Anyone with questions may call 304-460-7377.

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