All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Buckhannon’s North Kanawha Street sidewalks getting a makeover

BUCKHANNON, W.Va. —  Crews from the Buckhannon Street Department are well underway to providing a better walking experience for pedestrians and business owners of North Kanawha Street with the demo of the sidewalk from Main Street heading north on the east side of the street progressing at a steady pace. 

The project comes as the Street Department is also putting the finishing touches on the Gateway West Project and a pour over on the Smithfield Street sidewalks to re-establish the curb lines. 

Street Commissioner Brad Hawkins is confident that his crews can successfully manage the many projects on the construction schedule this summer.

Jerry Arnold, Director of Public Works for Buckhannon, is pleased with the performance of all departments as they finish up the Gateway West Project and tackle the major upgrades to the underground infrastructure on North Spring Street and the rehabilitation of the sidewalks on North Kanawha Street as the two most notable projects with several more in the planning stages. 

“Mayor Skinner and city council have asked that we take an aggressive approach to our city’s infrastructure needs,” said Arnold.  “We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding as we work to upgrade parts of our water, sewer and stormwater management systems and rebuild portions of our streets and sidewalks.”

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