All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Pictured, from left, standing on the sidewalk are Amelia Morehead, Ava Freeman, A.J. Bolton and Caleb Myers. From left, standing on the planter are Gianna Monteleone, Lena Rose Walker and Alanis Karickhoff. / Photo courtesy Buckhannon Upshur Retail Merchants Association

‘Christmas Around the World’ contest ushers in swirl of seasonal joy; Winners announced

BUCKHANNON – Christmas Around the World brought joy and excitement to all of Upshur County children who visited downtown Buckhannon to participate in a Christmas scavenger hunt, Crypt A Gram contest and visit with Santa, Mrs. Claus, the Grinch and Cindy Lou Who.

They were treated to cookies, cake, apple cider and tea to keep them refreshed as they walked Main Street visiting businesses who had decorated trees representing Austria, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Philippines, Poland, Russia and Spain.

Completing their tour, they journeyed back to Santa’s Headquarters to drop off their completed forms and stuff their ticket indicating their favorite tree, into the proper box. Of course, getting to visit Santa and whisper their secret Christmas wishes brought smiles to all their faces.

All the downtown business windows were big attractions with all their bright lights, decorations and displayed merchandise. Many adults and kids found the perfect gift for Moms, Dads and other family members in their favorite shop. Several were caught up in the excitement as they sang with the carols playing along the route. The American tree on the courthouse plaza and the West Virginia tree on the City Hall steps created a wonderful sense of pride.

The Buckhannon Upshur Retail Merchants Association thanks the city, county, CVB and all participating businesses for their strong support of this year’s Christmas activity. Special thanks go to Mayor Robbie Skinner and Councilwoman Pam Bucklew, chairperson of the Christmas Decorating Committee, and the street department employees who worked tirelessly hanging the banners, hanging garland on light poles and making certain Main Street glowed with light.

Kids gift basket winners for the scavenger hunt were Bentley Lawrence, at left, and Kylee Woody. / Photo courtesy BURMA
The Kids Big Basket Winner was Teagan Page. / Photo courtesy BURMA
The $100.00 adult basket winner was Janna Ware with Collin Ware. / Photo courtesy BURMA

The winners in each Christmas event are listed below:
Punch Card – $100 Basket – Janna Ware
Kids Choice – $30.00 – Teagan Page
12 Favorite Tree Awards – $10.00 Gift Certificate
Movie Tickets – Brooklyn Butler, A.J. Bolton, Caleb Myers, Amelia Morehead
Bowling Tickets – Gianna Monteleone, Kara Keller, Lena Rose Walker, Alanis Karickhoff
Skating Tickets – Ava Freeman, Angel Escalante, Lucy Hipes, Keller Glasser
Scavenger Hunt Award – $10.00 gift basket – Kiley Woody
Crypt A Gram Award – $10.00 gift basket – Bentley Lawrence

Business Tree Decorating Winners –
1st Place- Jesterline Gaming Technologies (Poland)
1st Place -Sweet A Licious (Austria)
2nd Place -Just Cuttin Up (Philippines)
3rd Place -First Community Bank (Russia)

The majority of winners picked up their prizes on Sunday at Sweet-A-Licious. Merry Christmas, everyone!

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