All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

CAC director Anne Wilson

Colonial Arts Center nearly complete as work continues on the final small details

BUCKHANNON – The construction of the Colonial Arts Center is about 90 percent complete.

CAC director Anne Wilson said construction on the center is progressing well and there are only some smaller features that need to be done.

“It’s really a matter of finishing up some very small details at this point,” Wilson told the CAC board at their meeting Thursday. “I emailed you all about the concession stand, and they’re going to begin putting some stuff in there. They’ve been working on the trim around the front entrance most recently.”

Infrastructure work is also wrapping up.

“They’ve also been fixing the leaks on the roof, and they recently put a layer of concrete over the entire back of the building,” Wilson said. “I’m hoping, in the spring perhaps while we’re closed down, that I can find some local art students who are interested in expanding that mural onto the back of the Colonial.”

Some modifications were made to the main hall in anticipation of the Buckhannon Community Theatre 50th Anniversary celebration this weekend.

“We’ve had to make a few modifications in the main hall for the BCT show that’s coming up this weekend,” Wilson said. “They needed a projector for some images, but our projector screen in the main hall wouldn’t work because the performers are going to be in front of it. We found a smaller projector screen here in the City Hall, and we installed it on the side of the stage yesterday, so we’re feeling pretty good about this weekend’s show. I think it’s going to be fun. There’s one show on Saturday evening and one Sunday afternoon, and all of you should come.”

The Knorr Award was to have been presented during the Saturday evening performance, during which the BCT also announced its 2023 season lineup.

“The only thing coming up is BCT’s meeting Jan. 9,” Wilson said. “Nothing else is planned until the middle of March or April, when we can officially do our grand opening.”

City Recorder Randy Sanders asked when the façade wall at the front of the building would be complete, and KB Saine said Director of Public Works Jerry Arnold was confident it would be finished by March 15.

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