All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

DNR makes special trout stocking at Summersville Lake tailwater

SUMMERSVILLE — Just in time for free fishing weekend June 8 and 9, the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources (DNR), in cooperation with the West Virginia Professional River Outfitters Association, stocked 650 pounds of rainbow trout in the Summersville Dam tailwater of the Gauley River June 6.

“The goal of the stocking is to provide increased summer trout fishing opportunities in the Gauley River,” said DNR Director Stephen McDaniel.

“We placed the fish in three locations to spread them out. That creates more opportunity for anglers to catch fish from the dam downstream to Carnifex Ferry Battlefield State Park,” said Mark Scott, DNR assistant chief of fisheries management.

The locations were: Summersville power plant tailwater site, the USGS gage station, and just upstream of Carnifex Ferry State Park.

Anglers interested in a backcountry fishing experience can hike down a strenuous trail from the park and enjoy the beauty of the rugged Gauley River while having a good chance of catching trout.

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