All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Help ‘Drive Forward’ the future of transportation in West Virginia

CHARLESTON, WV – The West Virginia Department of Transportation is conducting an update to the statewide 30-year Multimodal Long-Range Transportation Plan (2050 LRTP).

The 2050 LRTP will focus on guiding future transportation policies and investments, as well as provide a blueprint for funding and improving the state’s multimodal transportation system.

WVDOT has launched a comprehensive website to provide project information to the public throughout the 2050 LRTP process.

WVDOT is currently collaborating with the following groups to study five phases of the plan:

  • transportation stakeholders
  • federal, state, and local partners
  • local and regional organizations
  • West Virginia residents

Fact Sheets detailing each phase of the LRTP planning process are available online. The Fact Sheets begin with a State of the System report detailing West Virginia’s existing multimodal transportation system and trends research that detail long-range opportunities and risks for transportation.

To learn more about the 2050 LRTP and review all available project materials, please visit the project website.

There will be opportunities for the public to participate in the plan’s development through social media, public comment, surveys, and other forms of socially distant engagement.

Interested members of the public may sign-up to receive project notifications via email, submit comments or questions, and learn about future engagement opportunities.

To be included on the notification list or for questions about the 2050 LRTP, please provide contact information or send your questions to  

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