All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Mountaineer Gas working to restore service to North Buckhannon

The Grinch struck North Buckhannon residents on Christmas Eve, knocking out gas service to many Mountaineer Gas customers. People from Island Avenue to the Hall Road reported a loss of service Monday.

With temperatures expected to plunge into the mid-to-low 20s overnight, Mountaineer Gas crews were working on a line near Fred Eberle Technical Center.

When My Buckhannon took these photos during the lunch hour, no one was around, and multiple calls to Mountaineer Gas requesting an update on the outage had not been returned as of Monday afternoon. If we hear back, we’ll be sure to update this post.

Update: Service was restored Monday evening.

Gas OutageGas Outage

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