All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Sack Lunches for Seth fundraiser: Have Friday lunch delivered while helping a Buckhannon native

BUCKHANNON – Fridays are such a busy time for everyone.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful not to have to worry about what to fix or where to grab a lunch?

Fortunately, an upcoming fundraiser offers locals the opportunity to have a delicious sack lunch delivered to you and your co-workers while helping out a neighbor in need.

A Friday Lunch Sandwich Sale, scheduled for Friday, Oct. 23, offers those who participate the choice of a roasted turkey sandwich, an oven-baked ham sandwich or an old-fashioned pimento cheese spread sandwich. The sack lunch includes cheese, lettuce, chips, pickle and a delicious homemade cookie.

What’s more, all proceeds from the sale benefit former Buckhannon resident Seth Poling who suffers from ALS, or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.

If five or more orders come from one business, the lunches can even be delivered. Those single or multiple orders with less than five are available for socially-distanced pickup anytime from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. outside of Mt. Hermon Church, located off U.S. Route 33 Childers Run Crossover and the Old Elkins Road. Those opting for delivery can choose for lunches to arrive between 11 a.m. and noon on Friday, Oct. 23 or noon to 1 p.m.

Orders must be pre-paid, and checks should be made payable to Mary Alice Poling. Each lunch is $10 and a link to the order form is here. Forms can be emailed to Questions can be directed to 304-406-2909.

Organizer for the event, Seth’s mom, Mary Alice Poling, said the Sack Lunch for Seth idea just came to her.

“We delivered some order forms to businesses in Buckhannon on Sept. 21 and will take orders through Oct. 14, 2020,” Mary Alice Poling said.

She said she and some of her friends are organizing the event and proceeds will be used by Seth Poling for upcoming medical expenses. Committee members along with Mary Alice Poling include Ginny Jeran, Robin Williams, Cindy Gooden, Becky Williams, Holt Poling and Dr. Larry Williams.

“We are striving to sell 250 lunches, but anything over and above that would be great,” Mary Alice Poling said. “I have been having little bake sales every so often, and this will help with medical expenses in the future.”

Seth Poling grew up in Buckhannon before moving to Morgantown. He is the son of Holt and Mary Alice Poling and has a sister, Brittany Alden. He graduated from Buckhannon-Upshur High School in 2005. He and wife Erika have two sons, Liam Seth and Bayler Michael Poling.

Seth received his ALS diagnosis in June 2017 – after suffering from symptoms for four years prior. ALS, or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or Lou Gehrig’s disease, currently has no cure. It is a progressive nervous system disease that detrimentally impacts nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, resulting in loss of muscle control.

Mary Alice Poling said with the Sack Lunches for Seth, she will include a flier with additional educational information about ALS and she wanted to thank everyone ahead of time for their support during this fundraiser.

“It’s been a journey,” Mary Alice Poling said. “It’s been one where we have cried, but his boys don’t know anything different. It’s amazing the things they do for him.”

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