All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Upshur County Commission closes offices within the Courthouse, Annex to general public

BUCKHANNON – The Commission has continued to monitor the COVID-19 outbreak. Over the last 24 hours, three cases have been confirmed in Central West Virginia; one in Monongalia County and two in Tucker. There have been no confirmed cases in Upshur County as of 10 a.m. March 20. In an effort to prevent the spread of this virus and protect all county residents and employees, the offices within the Courthouse and the Annex will be closed to the public effect immediately. Offices will remain staffed in order to conduct business. 

Staff will be able to assist via telephone or e-mail and the use of online services is highly encouraged. Court Security Officers will remain at the front doors of the Courthouse and the Annex to provide assistance and make appointments. 

Appointments will be made for business that cannot be accomplished remotely.  The County employees working in the office will adhere to social distancing guidelines set by the CDC, while others will transition to telework. 

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and urge you to practice social distancing. Stay at home if at all possible. A list of office numbers can be found below if you have questions for specific offices. Again thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through this evolving issue together as a community. 

For the most recent information, we encourage you to visit the CDC’s website at, the WVDHHR website at and the DHSEM Facebook page. 

TO sing up for WENS text UpshurCoWVAlerts to 69310 or visit http://entry.inspironlogistics/upshur_wv/wens.cfm

For assistance or appointments call:

Assessor – (304) 472-4650

Circuit Clerk- (304) 472-2370

Circuit Court- (304) 472-5556/ (304) 472-0195

Commission- (304) 472-0535 

County Clerk- (304) 472-1068

E911 Communications Center- (304) 472-9550

DHSEM- (304) 472-4983

Family Court- (304) 472-1065/ (304) 269-0432

Floodplain/Building Permits- (304) 472-1673

Magistrate – (304) 472-2053

Sherriff’s Department – (304) 472-1182

Tax Office/Fire Fee- (304) 472-1180 

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