Upshur County Schools continues to work closely with the Upshur-Buckhannon Health Department and other local officials regarding the COVID-19 cases, recently, focusing on the outbreak within the Transportation Department.
The Upshur-Buckhannon Health Department recommendation is that we encourage all drivers to honor their full quarantine periods, even though they are considered “essential workers.” Doing so will more effectively limit the spread of the virus within this outbreak.
Our priority is the safety of our students, employees, families, and the community at large. Therefore, we support the health department’s request to maintain full quarantine. This will require schools remain fully remote until Thursday, November 5, 2020.
Attendance next week will be as follows.

- Monday, November 2, will be a full-remote day for students.
- Tuesday, November 3, is the Election Day and there is no school.
- Wednesday, November 4, will be a full-remote day (just like Wednesdays are under our blended attendance model).
- Thursday, November 5, students return to school per color map in person instruction following blended model.
- Friday, November 6, students return to school per color map in person instruction following blended model.
If the West Virginia Department of Education’s School Alert System color map on Saturday, October 31, indicates that community conditions will allow us to hold in-person instruction next week, our first day back in-person will be Thursday, November 5.
The pandemic response is constantly changing, and if anything arises that causes this plan to change, we will notify our community as soon as possible. As always, we want our students back in the classroom and wish to thank our families and employees for their continued flexibility during these challenging times.