All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

WVWC Space Club invites community for free NASA space day event March 30

The community is invited to blast off with the West Virginia Wesleyan College Space Club for science-themed fun and a chance to win prizes on Sunday, March 30 from 1 to 3:30 p.m.

Activities will be held in the auxiliary gymnasium located in Rockefeller Center. The first 50 kids will receive a NASA-themed drawstring backpack. The activities and science demonstrations will include a Tesla coil, bottle rockets, a paper airplane contest, a spaghetti tower contest and a popsicle stick catapult contest.

There are over $500 in prizes to be awarded in two age classes, over 10 years old and 10 and under. There will be a special chemistry presentation by Dr. Ed Wovchko who has promised a fun explosion experiment. There will also be tours of Wesleyan’s Science Labs for high school juniors and seniors. The door prize is a LEGO model of the Mars rover Perseverance. This event is sponsored by the NASA-WV Space Grant Consortium.

“The last NASA Space Day held at Wesleyan was in 2019 and the kids had a blast,” Space Club Advisor Dr. Tracey Delaney said. “We had over 200 people in attendance and we’re hoping to outdo that this time.”

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